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SPEAK UP ! 雙語會話

A: There’s just one more interpretation of how chop suey came to be a popular dish served in Chinese restaurants in the US. Read here. B: It says that immigration laws were introduced in the US in the late 19th century, restricting the number of Chinese allowed to stay in America. And? A: Read this bit: it says that Chinese who opened up Chinese restaurants were exempt from this law, and they could also bring their families over to join them. B: So that is what was behind a proliferation of Chinese restaurants in the US, and the need to create dishes to cater to American tastes, and this is when chop suey was invented! A: Possibly. Who knows? Now, are you going to order? A: 雜碎之所以變成美國中餐館裡廣受歡迎的菜,這邊還有另外一種解釋,你看這裡。 B: 它說十九世紀末美國制定的移民法,限制中國人在美國定居的人數。然後呢? A: 看這裡,它說,這個法令對在美國開中餐館的人網開一面,而且他們還可以把家人接來美國。 B: 所以這就是美國中餐館數量激增背後的原因,這也就是為什麼需要創造出新的菜,來迎合美國人的口味,所以雜碎這道菜就在這個時候發明出來了! A: 有可能,誰知道呢?你到底要不要點菜啊? (Paul Cooper, Taipei Times/台北時報林俐凱譯) English 英文: Chinese 中文:

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